WOW!  What a wonderful start to our Vision campaign. God blessed in so many different ways, it is difficult to list them all!

First, let’s thank the Lord for the wonderful services. His Word has been coming alive as we study together. This past Wednesday was a heartfelt service as we talked of Serving in the Dark!  God connected Psalm 134 to each of our lives and circumstances that we serve Him in.

Second, I want to honor and celebrate our future with our 22 new members.  We rejoice in their fellowship of faith as we serve together.  It is exciting to watch the Lord bless us in the so many ways.

Third, I want to thank you for your vote to move forward with our desire to be debt free!  A next step can be to consolidate the usage of our Lighthouse activities and free up the remaining two acres for sale.  The proceeds can then be used to reduce our debt while we maintain the Lighthouse for use.

Fourth, we can rejoice in the sacrificial giving that has reduced our debt from an eight million dollar project to only $530,139.  Praise the Lord!  We started last Sunday with a vision to be debt free and we are on our way!

Our Vision is to pay forward to secure a church for the next generation and to be debt free to do more ministry than ever before. 

Thank you for giving and thank you for joining with me in prayer for our future!

You have blessed my faith with your VISION to keep going for the next generation.

You are loved,

Pastor Ralph

We welcome you to our 24thAnnual 911 Remembrance Service. 

The church family of Trinity Baptist sets this day aside to honor the men and women that serve our communities.

Today we recognize the dedicated emergency service personnel that serve Western North Carolina.  Every day, every night, seven days a week, these public servants sacrifice their time and talents to help at a moment’s notice, when you or a loved one dials 9-1-1!

We offer our appreciation to the men and women of law enforcement, emergency medical care and fire services.  We thank you for your dedication, your long hours of work and the hours of training required to do your job as you risk your lives for those of us whom you serve.  

We salute you today, and we thank you for your call to protect, to serve and for your family’s gift of YOU to our community.

Thank you!  God bless you and your families!

Pastor Allen Rash

What a wonderful week at Trinity!  God has blessed our church and our families in a special way this week.  Thank the Lord for His goodness and mercy.

Tuesday night’s concert for Squire Parsons was a night to remember!  We had singing groups from all over the country, and people drove in from California to Canada.  All this love and singing to pay tribute to the life and ministry of our very own, Squire Parsons.  Truly a Song of Praise

Volunteers of Trinity were first class in every way.  Your kindness and expertise of responsibilities were second to none! Thank you for the sacrifice of time and willingness to serve others.  May God bless you and reward you for your gift of love!

Outside our church was another song in motion with the parking of cars and transporting people on golf carts. Our crew parked over 500 cars, which is unreal all by itself, and then transported all those people to the sanctuary. WOW!  That was a Song of Praisefor God keeping us safe and blessing our work as we labored together. 

Thank you for working, praying, giving and having a wonderful “can do” spirit!  You all are amazing!  What a joy to serve together!

Jubilee Choir, thank you for the extra rehearsals to make the night so special!  You also were up and down in a long program, to lift up your voices in Songs of Praise.

Thank you for loving the Lord and for blessing His faithful servant, Squire Parsons.  May your living Songs of Praise, join with Squire’s written Songs of Praise to encourage Christians all across our country.

You are loved, 

Pastor Ralph John 3:30

It is a great honor for Trinity to host the year’s most outstanding gospel music event. On Tuesday, August 20th we will be hosting a sold out benefit concert to honor the ministry of Brother Squire Parsons. 

Squire and his family have been members of Trinity Baptist Church for the past 43 years. Squire has shared the message of Jesus through songs across America and around the world.  His message has remained constant. His gentle spirit and powerful voice has caused all who hear and know him to see Jesus.  Squire has remained faithful to His Lord in every aspect of his life. We here at Trinity have been spoiled, in that God has allowed one of His great men of songs to grace our presence on a regular basis. We are honored to call Squire and Linda Parsons our family. 

On April 18, 2019 Squire announced that due to health issues, he would be retiring from touring after more than 40 years of music ministry.  

Squire shared the following statement…

“Live concerts have been a way of life for many, many years and the idea of transitioning from that area of ministry is unsettling. Thankfully, though, I don’t have to know what God is doing behind the scenes because His promises remain steadfast, and as I settle in to writing this new chapter, I can take complete solace in Paul’s word of encouragement to the early Christians—And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.-Romans 8:28.  Looking for that glorious day of redemption when we stand together in the presence of the Precious Lamb of God, I remain His obedient servant,” Squire   

Church family, let’s continue to love and pray for Squire and Linda Parsons. 

You are prayed for,

Pastor Ralph

The Lord himself has set aside His bride, the church, and with this calling comes a purpose and call to action. In scripture, the church is likened to a body with many members; each have different functions, but with equal importance each are linked and full of life. This picture illustrates God’s purpose for the called-out body of believers to be alive and set in motion by the Spirit. Acts 17 offers an interesting description of the early New Testament Church as,“…the ones who turned the world upside down”.The early church, being invigorated by the moving of the Holy Ghost, changed the world around them, challenged the culture, and showed a level compassion the world had never seen.

What a joy it has been to see our church “set in motion” with activities and outreach within the past months. From our men’s community outreach, youth camps and Vacation Bible School, God has multiplied the efforts of our volunteers, impacted countless lives and blessed us with a special spirit of unity.  

Our summer of impact continues on Sunday, August 18th at 4:00 PM with Back to School Sunday. Every K4 through 12th grade student will receive a backpack filled with much needed school supplies. At our evening service each student will have a chance of winning an IPad and other great prizes.  After the evening service our Awana leaders will hold registration for the upcoming Awana year.

Church family, thank you for the love and support you have shown for our children and teens during the last few months. Only heaven will reveal the difference you have made. Let’s join together in prayer as we continue to turn the world upside down for the glory of God.


Pastor Zach Cicillian