I wanted to thank you personally for the sacrifice of time you made praying for the Korea Crusade 2019.  It is breathtaking to look back and observe the opportunities that God opened for our church and for our Pastor.  I wanted to share with you from my heart, what the Lord made obvious to me while we were in South Korea. 

While we were in the country, there were multiple opportunities each day for us to preach and be involved in services all over South Korea. Some of the meetings were early morning, some late at night, and on Sunday, Pastor Ralph preached seven times!

I’ll be honest. There were instances during the crusade that the overwhelming crowds of people, hungry for the truth, could become somewhat of a blur. Pastor Ralph preached to over 20,000 people at the 7:00 am Sunday service alone.  But as things became less overwhelming and came a little more into focus, God absolutely devastated my heart with one word: People. 

I asked myself, “Why are we in South Korea, spending precious time and effort, thousands of miles away from home?”  People!  “Why is this great effort worth it?”  People!  “Why are these churches and their staff so dedicated to what they do?”  People!  The gospel of Jesus Christ is for people.  People for whom He died.  People that Christ loves.  People that need to know someone cares. People that need a place to worship.  People that need hope.  People that need the chains of sin destroyed!  People!  People who can have a personal, one-on-one relationship with the God of everything.  Jesus knows me, just as well as He knows you, just as He knows every single one of his children, globally, and that is incomprehensible!  

I’m so thankful that the gospel of Jesus Christ works worldwide.  It can transform our families, our churches and our lives forever.  I’m asking God to give me a clear vision of the people in need of this beautiful Savior, right here at home. God give me my tears back for lost souls.  God give me the heart of a dedicated man, sold out for Your Kingdom! People are in need.

I’m thankful for the hundreds, if not thousands, of people that came to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry of our Pastor, Dr. Ralph Sexton.  It was incredible to see God pour in to him and use him in a powerful way.  We are a blessed church.  Let us continue in this spirit of prayer and seeking the Lord for revival.  Could it be that revival is just on the horizon?

You are loved and you are prayed for!          

Your Servant For Jesus’ Sake, 

Winston Parrish

Please pray as our Pastor and Pastor Winston minister in South Korea.  They have a very busy schedule planned with preaching services in many churches.  By the time, you are reading this on Sunday morning in the United States, Sunday will be over in South Korea and Pastor will have preached 4 times!  This is a great opportunity for them to teach and encourage God’s people, but we need to hold them up daily for their safety, health and strength.

We welcome Pastor Bob Ferguson as our special guest this morning. 

Last week, beginning on Wednesday, July 10, we celebrated our 50th Land of the Sky Jubilee.  We had a wonderful time of refreshing with preaching from God’s word, fellowship, singing, and lots of good food!  There were memories made as our pastors and guests preached in the morning and evening services and we enjoyed the music of our Jubilee Choir, family choir and guest singers.    I want to thank all our volunteers who made this year’s Jubilee great.

Our teens just arrived back from a great week at Arise Conference in Gatlinburg, where they saw lives changed.  You will hear more from Pastor Nathan and the teens about their great conference during our 5 PM service.The fun isn’t over yet!  MARK YOUR CALENDARS                                                                                Vacation Bible School ~ Giddy Up Junction                                                             
Sunday, July 28 – Friday, August 2

Pastor Allen Rash

The response to the Celebrate Recovery Ministry has been unbelievable. We have been open to the public for four months and have been able to minister to hundreds of people with the message of hope found in Jesus. We are not just impacting Asheville, but have had people form Washington State, Virginia, New York, and many other states come through the CR Ministry.

I am reminded every week when I see new faces searching for hope, that this ministry and the mission of our church is PEOPLE! No matter their background, race, social status, or label, every person has a purpose from God. Pastor has reminded us recently that every person has name, and has a story.

We were all soberly reminded of this truth just a month ago when one of our volunteers for CR, Terri Sizemore suddenly passed into eternity at the age of 38. She was many things to many people, but none more important than a mom to her two boys. Her Facebook post from November 13, 2018, spoke of this reality. A mom’s prayer, that her boys would one day see the importance in each person.

Terri Sizemore post reads…”I’ve realized my children don’t need me to answer all their questions ors love all their problems, that just need to know that we believe in God, who will never leave them or forsake them. Even when they mess up or are angry or hurt. Our God meets us right in the middle of our own messes, and if my boys see this in a real way when they are young, then maybe they will grow up sure of this knowledge, this truth–that God can love them through any challenge or pain or disappointment. We want our kid’s faith, compassion, kindness, and love to be real because the world has real problems that need us to be the literal hands and feet of Jesus, ready to go. Willing to help. and serve. and love. I pray that my kids learn to not turn away from the pain of the world but to lean in , to look at what needs to be done and believe it’s within their power to help. These kind acts do so much more than just teach my boys to not be so materialistic, or to think of others above themselves. Hopefully, they learn that with God’s help they are empowered to do something about what it happening around them.” ~ Terri Sizemore ~ November 13, 2018

This is the Gospel in the simplest terms, “Jesus died for you”, may we continue to spread the good news! Pastor Nathan Hawkins

In the early 1600s, religious chaos was the order of the day in England. King Henry VIII had established the Church of England by breaking away from the Roman Catholic Church.

A group of nonconformists was known as the Puritans and they eventually broke away from the Church of England. Other groups were totally dissatisfied and they left the organized religion. They were called Independents or Separatists, and they established their own church groups for worship.

Under the reign of Elizabeth they experienced great persecution and suffering. There was little relief under King James. In 1608 one group fled England for Holland where religious liberty was given to all people. These people were later known as Pilgrims. Elder William Brewster led this group of industrious, upright and Godly families. They drew the respect and admiration of their Dutch host.

There was relief from the persecution. However, after twelve years of discussion and prayer they felt a move was in order. They believed the will of God was to start a colony on the shore of the New World.

In 1620 the Pilgrims and the Plymouth Company charter reorganized as the Council of Plymouth. King James allowed them to have religious liberty and to sail from Plymouth, England.

Over 100 brave souls crowded onto the Mayflower in September and landed in the new world on November 9, 1620. They signed the Mayflower Compact of 1620 based on their love for Jesus, and they pledged to fear God as a new nation. This was the Mayflower Compact of 1620.

Our Heritage is from people of faith!  These people displayed great courage and they were so brave it is hard to imagine.

These Christians were the founders of a new land with religious freedom for all.  We remember them today, as well as the faithful men and women of 1776.  Happy Birthday America!  We love you!

A blessed people we are today!

You are loved, 

Pastor Ralph

Love times two is part of our celebration today at Trinity.

We celebrate the love that Muzette had for the Lord and this church.  We also celebrate the love she had for her husband and her children.  Muzette had a favorite saying, “Love multiplies, never divides!”

The second love we celebrate is for the word of God and the people of Israel.  The first part of our faith is to show that we care as we say that because that Jesus loved us, we love you!

Genesis chapter twelve declares the promise of God, “And I will bless them that bless thee…”

We want to show our love for God’s chosen people and our trust in the written word of God.

The gift of this “Mobile Intensive Care Unit” is a visible token of our love for the people of Israel.  It opens the door for the conversations and questions that will follow:

“Why do you love us?”

“Why do you care if we survive?”

“Why would it matter to you, a Christian, if you believe that we (Jews) are Christ killers?”

This is love multiplied! Christ loved us with unconditional love when we were unlovable.

Today, we bring that love full circle. We love the Lord and we love Israel. God made a promise and God kept a promise.

The people of Israel are back in the Holy Land and we honor the life of Muzette by giving them an ambulance to help meet their most critical needs.

Muzette represented a life well-lived in her faith and family.

We can declare with her love, “God is, and all is well!”

Thank you again for all your love, prayers and support making this day possible.

You are loved,

Pastor Ralph

John 3:30