
What a wonderful July with Jubilee and the Primitive Quartet’s Homecoming.

The Primitives started the week with their Homecoming Singing. Each night was filled with great testimonies, friends and mountain songs of praise.

It was great to see our church family being blessed and having tears of joy.  There was help and healing for all.

The Fourth of July was celebrated with fellowship, music and great videos from our media department. It was an honor for Trinity to host the Primitives for their first Homecoming Celebration!  Then we started Jubilee Thursday morning with breakfast and prayers for all the preachers and singers for the day.

Each service had its own special touch from the hand of the Lord.

Yesterday was a great celebration with a delicious catered meal, good friends, wonderful singing, and encouragement from the Word of God!  We are so blessed!

As your pastor, I have never been more thankful and proud of your hard work and spirit of CAN DO. We have watched our pastors in the lot parking cars, our ladies greeting guests and working in the nursery.   Our ushers and greeters, our faithful kitchen crew and the sound and media team were totally “off the chain”!  You all were great!

Thank you for being faithful, praying and working so hard to bless others.  It was amazing to watch God bless us as we served to bless others!

You are loved!  What a joy to worship and work together!

Pastor Ralph                                                                                                                                                                                               John 3:30

Happy 4th of July! This is the day we celebrate the freedom we enjoy as Americans, with family, food and fireworks!

It is also a time to give thanks for the bold faith and courage of our founding fathers. The reason we have this great nation is because our founders knew that the home, the school, and the government had to be built upon basic moral and faith values of our Christian heritage.

As individuals we touch and influence our family and loved ones through our moral and faith values. When we walk close to the Lord, our faith is strengthened but when we grow cold and careless we become weak spiritually. Our families, our friends, our church, and our community are all influenced by our walk with the Lord. Let’s be faithful to our church, faithful to read God’s Word and faithful to pray for each other.

As we begin to enjoy our summer time, let’s not forget the Lord and America’s great spiritual need!

Join with me in prayer for The Primitive Quartet’s Homecoming Singing here on our campus, Monday July 2 through Wednesday, July 4 and our Land of the Sky Jubilee starting on Thursday, July 5 through Sunday, July 8.

You are loved,

Pastor Ralph

We thank the Lord for the wonderful services and the financial blessings of the past few weeks!

It has been amazing to watch the Lord answer so many prayers.

The excitement continues into the month of July as we will celebrate our religious freedom with our services on July 1st.

The Primitives have moved their singing indoors for 2018.  The singing will be at Trinity for three nights starting Monday, July 2nd and closing on Wednesday night, July 4th.

Then on July 5th, we start the Land of the Sky Jubilee!

We will have services on Thursday and Friday Mornings at 10:00 AM.  The evening services will be Thursday and Friday at 6:30 PM.  The Saturday service will begin at 3:00 PM with a Southern Family Cookout.  At 5:00 PM we will have a great concert with 11th Hour, CT & Becky, and the Chris Rumfelt Family, then Dr. Joe Arthur will bring the message.

Our Jubilee will close on Sunday, July 8th with our special guests CT & Becky Townsend.

Thank you for being faithful.

Let’s keep praying to be a friend to our neighbors!

You are loved,

Pastor Ralph

WOW! Praise the Lord!

Thank the Lord and thank you for your generous gift last Sunday.

As of Thursday, the “Muzette Memorial” offering was at $62,677

Our very first offering in memory of Muzette was more than we ever could have dreamed.  What a great time of giving and a vision to go forward for the Lord.   Muzette and I talked of paying the church out of debt so we could grow the ministries for our children, teens, young adults, and our families. God stamped His seal of approval on that prayer last Sunday.

Our church treasurer, Deborah Summey, called this week with exciting news. For the first time since building our new church, our debt is now below a million dollars! With last Monday’s bonus payment, our balance is $997,174.62. WOW! That has a wonderful sound after hearing about millions for so many years.

I am excited about the future and I am excited to watch the Lord answer prayers. What a mighty God we serve!

Thank you for praying and thank you for giving.  I really believe the best is yet to come!

You are loved,

Pastor Ralph

John 3:30

Today we honor the wonderful achievements of our graduates.

We have K4 and K5 graduates. We have graduates leaving the lower grades headed to middle school, and high school graduates that are starting their journey into adulthood.

We also are very proud of the hard work of our college graduates and we honor those who have completed Masters Degrees this year.

We are blessed with a wonderful church family and it is very special to share these personal family milestones.

In Korea, we witnessed the great focus on family, church, and educating the next generation.  The “community” force is powerful in the church and in the life of the people as they go to school and work.

We must protect the great gifts of our families, our church, and the freedoms we enjoy.

Thank you for remembering Muzette today!                                                                     We will use the MUZETTE MEMORIAL to retire our church debt and support more ministries than ever before.

Thank you for being faithful!

You are loved,

Pastor Ralph