What a wonderful July with Jubilee and the Primitive Quartet’s Homecoming.
The Primitives started the week with their Homecoming Singing. Each night was filled with great testimonies, friends and mountain songs of praise.
It was great to see our church family being blessed and having tears of joy. There was help and healing for all.
The Fourth of July was celebrated with fellowship, music and great videos from our media department. It was an honor for Trinity to host the Primitives for their first Homecoming Celebration! Then we started Jubilee Thursday morning with breakfast and prayers for all the preachers and singers for the day.
Each service had its own special touch from the hand of the Lord.
Yesterday was a great celebration with a delicious catered meal, good friends, wonderful singing, and encouragement from the Word of God! We are so blessed!
As your pastor, I have never been more thankful and proud of your hard work and spirit of CAN DO. We have watched our pastors in the lot parking cars, our ladies greeting guests and working in the nursery. Our ushers and greeters, our faithful kitchen crew and the sound and media team were totally “off the chain”! You all were great!
Thank you for being faithful, praying and working so hard to bless others. It was amazing to watch God bless us as we served to bless others!
You are loved! What a joy to worship and work together!
Pastor Ralph John 3:30