Our hearts were touched last Sunday with the presence of the Lord! It seemed there was a special hand of God upon each service.
The Lord touched our hearts for giving in both the morning and evening services. That giving heart is a Christ-like heart.
In the morning service we gave for the persecuted Christians in Pakistan and in the evening we gave to help bury a young mother.
Many of you have read in the paper and seen on television the story of Candace Pickens. Candace and her unborn child were murdered last week. Her family reached out to us to see if we could help during this tragedy. When we met Sunday night and explained the need, Trinity helped to provide a funeral for this mother, only 23 years old, and her baby. Candace’s son, Zacchaeus, was also shot. At the writing of this article, he is still fighting for his life in Mission Hospital.
Our faith and testimony is much more than our time on campus or in a church service. It is what we are every day. It is our life in front of our families and friends. Our faith is to be “salt” and “light” to a hurting world.
The family of this young mother and her baby need to see the love of Christ in a cruel and brutal world. There are people that love the Lord and love God’s children.
Thank you for giving! Thank you for loving people. Thank you for being faithful to Jesus in our home town!
You are loved,
Pastor and Muzette