Do you feel alone or like you’re wandering through life with a cloud hanging over your head? Sometimes we all feel like we’re just living in the shadows, but there is hope!

Marriage is an illustration! It is the living depiction of Christ and the Church! It is the unique symbol that dictates the relationship between Christ and the church! Every day lived out between husband and wife is a live action drama on display to the entire world!

Husbands, understand that the majority of expectation and pressure is applied to you. God’s plan of order for the home, the marriage all starts with you being right with Him. 

We all want to live happy lives. We all want to have peace, joy and calm in our existences. All of us long for pain free, pressure free, problem free lives. 

The truth is our world has changed. Its taken a big leap towards dystopian, darkness. We are living in troubling, perilous times, these are times that we have been warned about. The last days, the final chapters of humanity that are being written before the second coming of the Lord Jesus. 

For the next few weeks I want to focus on the second most important designation in the life of anyone. Second only to your status as a saved person is your marriage. Who you marry is so important and what your marriage is or becomes is extremely important. Moreover, we should all understand that God is interested in our marriage.

Origins of marriage come from God. It was His plan, His idea and this is why the world so hates the institution of marriage. There is a systematic, coordinated assault on marriage because the very idea is directly linked to God Himself. 

Resurrection changed not only redemptive history for all time and eternity but it changed all of history. The resurrection of Jesus radically imploded a blood sacrifice economy that was made instantaneously irrelevant the moment Jesus walked out of the grave unassisted. 

Without the resurrection we have no gospel, no good news. Without the gospel we have no salvation, without salvation we would be hopelessly lost! The resurrection is the single most important moment, ever. The most important moment was about the most important person, Jesus Christ!