Sunday, January 7, 2024

Winston Parrish

Winston Parrish

Senior Pastor

Giving, A Matter of the Heart

From Last Lord’s Day
Giving God’s Way – Part I | Pastor Winston Parrish

For the next few weeks, we will closely examine what the Bible says about giving, about money, and how God has perfectly established His expectation through His word as we learn to give God’s way.

I am not interested in a Ted Talk, or a get rich now false prosperity gospel, but I am committed to the word of God and what it says about money and about giving. Did you know there are over 2,300 verses concerning money in the Bible? That’s almost twice as many verses about faith and prayer combined.

Our Lord Jesus had a lot to say about money:
Nearly 15% of everything the Lord Jesus spoke about related to money and possessions. 16 out of His 38 parables dealt with the topic of money. The only subject Jesus taught more about than money was the Kingdom of God.

1. A Purposed Heart – 2 Corinthians 8:1-3
Paul did not merely commend those churches for noble human work but instead credited God for what He did through them. In other words, I would never, I could never give in my own power! It’s the impact, the influence, the life altering grace of a Holy God that persuades me to give from a right heart.

2. A Cheerful Heart – 2 Corinthians 9:7
We are to give with a cheerful heart because God loves a cheerful giver! God has a unique, special love for those who are happily committed to generous giving. The Greek word for cheerful is the word from which we get hilarious, which suggests that God loves a heart that is enthusiastically thrilled with the pleasure of giving.

Giving God’s way requires a heart to be prepared to give in a way that honors Him.

Pastor Winston

Trinity Baptist Church
Asheville, North Carolina
United States of America

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