We are so excited for you to be a part of our church family. The Lord is working among His people and there is a desire more than ever to love Him, serve Him, and learn more about Him.

God gives us all different talents and it is important for each of us to grow in the Lord and ask Him to show us what He would like for us to do for Him. The Lord wants us to learn, grow, and share His message to others while reaching out to those who need love, encouragement, and fellowship along the way. It takes all of us in one mind and one accord for Him to use us as a vessel for Him. EVERYONE is important.

Please follow the church calendar for all of our upcoming events. 

The Trinity Ladies’ Bible Study group meets every Thursday at 6:30 PM in the Student Center Upper Level.

Pam Ledford

Pam Ledford

Ladies Ministry Director
Miranda Parrish

Miranda Parrish

Senior Pastor’s Wife

From the Desk of Miranda

Self-Talk, we all deal with this. It’s our inner voice. Every day, there is a never-ending flow of self-talk in our heads. Self-talk can be either negative or positive, and it significantly impacts our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It takes determination and self-discipline to choose to have a cheerful inner voice. I have experienced in my own life that if I am not faithful in the word and active in my faith, my self-talk is negative. My guard starts to come down, and I can’t discern lies coming from the enemy, and I begin to believe those lies. I start having negative thoughts and feelings, which then impact my behaviors. The Lord knew that we would have battles with this, and that’s why He informs us in Romans 12:2 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” We must choose to renew our minds every day. It can be a hard choice to make at times, but it is the choice that will produce good fruit!

Here are some ways to tackle that negative self-talk

1. Begin with prayer. We need to ask the Lord for help on this. Pray and ask the Lord to guard and protect your mind.

2. Recognize this is a fight. Some battle this issue more than others, but if you are a child of God, you will battle this at some point. Know that our minds are a space the enemy loves to attack. Be aware of this! We must fight against it with God’s power and spiritual truth in the word.

3. Read and Memorize Scripture. We have to fight the lies with the truth. I have sticky notes with verses all around my house, in my car, and on my planner. I need to have God’s truth in front of me as a reminder. This is an easy way to have access to scripture when you are experiencing negative self-talk

4. Choose these steps Daily. Positive self-talk takes discipline; it’s often not a natural occurrence. We need to choose to take these steps every single day. When you do, you will see a shift in your thoughts, perspectives, and behaviors.


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