Sunday, August 18, 2024

Winston Parrish

Winston Parrish

Senior Pastor

By Faith, Noah Worked | Part 1: The Gospel of Gofer Wood

Hebrews 11 | A Selection of Scripture | Pastor Winston Parrish

The Hall of Faith is not a hall of perfect people but imperfect people. People with problems and issues, doubts and fears, and people who have sinned against God. Yet, these are the very people whom God, in His infinite grace, transformed and used tremendously for His glory. Their stories of transformation and redemption are a source of inspiration for us all.

During Noah’s days, God saw that man’s iniquity and wickedness were not just great, but chronic on the earth. Every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. This chronic issue, rather than an acute one, meant that every thought, every idea, every motive, every imagination, and therefore, every deed, was an expression of the fallenness and depravity of man. Verse 11 adds, “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.” But God’s grace and mercy provided a way for humanity to be saved from their wickedness!

1. The Peril of the Day, The Provision of the Ark!Romans 3:23
The great peril of Noah’s day is the peril of our day! SIN!

2. The Patience of God With People!2 Peter 3:9
Noah built the ark for over 100 years before the flood came!

3. The Power of the PromiseGenesis 9:11-13, John 3:16
After the flood God made an eternal promise with Noah.

Pastor Winston

Trinity Baptist Church
Asheville, North Carolina
United States of America

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