In our first message here from the beatitudes we explored the setting and the context of the Word blessed. Makarios=happy, satisfied, inwardly content. The first beatitude was poor in spirit! Thank God that’s the starting point! We are destitute, unable to provide for ourselves. We are in complete need of everything from God spiritually. We must recognize that we do not have what we need within ourselves, our humanity is corrupt. But the story doesn’t end with our corruption as we will see. There is an escape. 

We started at the ground level with our ladder of The Beatitudes—

Rung 1- Poor In Spirit

Rung 2- Pressed In Soul

This week we climb to Rung 3- Patient In Strife

What is an Epistle?—One of the letters, written openly, adopted as books of the New Testament. Paul authored 7 canonized letters. These are the letters or epistles to Rome, Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Colosse, and Thessalonica. 

What is an Apostle?—Apostle (Gk. Apostolos). Envoy, ambassador, or messenger commissioned to carry out the instructions of the commissioning agent.

Who is Paul?—This is the former Saul of Tarsus, a Jewish Rabbi of the Jewish sect of law-keeping, brilliant-minded, hard-hearted Pharisees of which we read so much of in the gospels. We learn of this man called Saul in Acts chapter 7, a man filled with rage and hate for the Christians. He hated what was being preached, so much so that he consents to the death of the first Christian martyr, a young man named Stephen.

Tonight we look past the life we have, and through Scripture we will gaze as far as we can into Heaven and see “To God, Be The Glory!” A message for all believers! 

We’ve heard the message for those who are ready to quit, “But God!” We’ve heard the message for those who needed to refocus their eyes on what’s really important, “For God”

Wednesday Night in our Bible Study we explored those two words:  But God!  We talked about hopelessness and despair, pressure, pain and fatigue. Dissatisfaction, Contempt, Complacency, Weariness—all the compartments of life can be affected by these adjectives.

Our nation is in a place of despair at a level not felt since the second World War.  We are in the midst of the greatest battle for truth, all while deception and lies are at an all-time high.  We are plagued with outlets of information and disinformation that obliterate trust and that wage war on the internal security of humanity.

More than ever, people are tense, people are worried, people are sad, and people are afraid.  They are short tempered, short on mercy, lacking in kindness and are unable to have civil discussion.  Wave after wave of new information on new virus variants, daily scandal, financial instability, and the dread of what’s to come have the average person on edge.  Many are far beyond that—many have had more than they can process, more than they can handle.

The straw that “broke the camel’s back” fell on the pile months ago, and in all reality, there are many people who are truly at the end of their ability to cope.

The Bible gives us incredible examples of times in history that seemed  hopeless.  These were situations in individual lives that were dark and full of dread.  Noah, Joseph, Ruth, Gideon, John The Baptist, Martha—-so many places in Scripture that points to hopelessness and despair, but then put the attributes of our God on display!

Psalm 54:4

“Behold, God is mine helper…” The Hebrew word for helper is “Ezer”, pronounced “ay-zer”, meaning to help, to assist, to come to the aid of the one in need.

The character of our God is one that does not change.  He is the same today,  yesterday and forever more.  We have a God who to this day is in the business of “Ezer!”— coming to the place you are, reaching down to the depth of where you are and providing help that only He can.

God loves you; He knows you, He understands your issues in life and He is aware of how you feel.  Don’t quit, don’t give up, keep on trusting Him for Ezer!

Take a look at the issue, the problem, the place of pain and say aloud, “But, God!”

Pastor Winston